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Below you will find some useful videos to help develop your understand binary code further. Videos for motivation for including digital technology studies within your classroom can also be found so to further emphasise the importance of this subject for our students.

Useful links and videos

Binary code videos
Binary (full understanding in 10 min)

This is a relatively short video that does a quite good job explaining how to represent numbers in binary code and how to convert binary code back in to base 10 numbers. It also explains binary code as a base 2 system and the reason why.

What are binary numbers? - James May's Q&A (Ep 11100) - Head Squeeze

4.55 min video explains that binary works in a base 2 system as opposed to the base 10 system that we are used to and why computers require binary code. This video would be a good introduction for students to watch.

How To Read Text In Binary

A quick 3.28 min video explaining how the alphabet can be represented in binary code as well. This could introduce students to sending messages in binary code.

Motivational videos
Computer Coding - What most schools don’t teach
A 12-year old app developer
Coding/Technology videos
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